A Special Celebration of Life

Celebrations of Life have become common for me lately. Many long awaited while we spurned gathering during the height of the pandemic.


The last one I planned was all too personal for me, it was my Dad. He didn’t die of Covid or a long term disease, at 94 he was very healthy and showed no signs of slowing down. He enjoyed his friends at the facility he lived in, entertained my Mom non-stop and just enjoyed life. 


Then it happened, he tripped on a small step, hit his head and suffered a brain bleed which took his life in 4 days. Hi bride of 70 years will always be devasted by the events of that night and the days to follow. He was a mentor to some, advisor to many and a friend to all and he was the best Dad ever.


How do you say goodbye to someone so special? You do it right. A beautiful funeral mass followed by a police escort to the cemetery and a military sendoff with full honors.


Followed a few days later by a Celebration of his amazing life, a full bar, plenty of food and the room filled with family and friends, all of whom he loved. Friends and family all over the country came to honor an amazing man. Each of 5 siblings spoke of the life lessons, fun times, jokes and memories.


It was beautiful and exactly how he would want to be remembered.




A Special Celebration of Life


Setting the Mood